Océ Drivers
Océ Drivers
Watch a Quick Video On How To Submit A Service Request
Our Service Philosophy
At Service Plus, our service philosophy is that we think every customer is the most important customer we have, and we treat him/her that way! In fact, our owner John Davis feels that service is so important that he still oversees our service department. John started as a technician and guarantees that our service will always be at the highest standard.
Remember, ‘Service’ Is In Our Name!
Our service department is unique in that we use the latest software technology to dispatch calls and handle service calls. This software allows our technicians to have truck inventory that is replenished as they use it and to see service call history from their mobile device while on site.
The technicians can even check inventory that may be in another technician’s truck or in the stock room via their mobile device. Service Plus stocks 100% of parts and supplies in Tallahassee to keep all of its customers’ machines running.